Event Slides:

Guide for the Demo part

Kaito comes in handy when there are requirements to deploy production-grade inference models within the Kubernetes cluster. Currently, it focuses on open-source LLMs and it has model presents for falcon, llama2, mistral, and phi2 model families so far.

For Kaito as an operator, I identify 3 main use cases in my personal use but there are many more and many more to come,

  1. When there is a requirement to have an inference model within the cluster Kaito can abstract the complexity of creating, autoscaling, and managing GPU nodes. (using Karpenter APIs)
  2. Automatic tuning of model parameters to fit GPU hardware using the provided preset configurations.
  3. Model weights are built into the image so if a pod goes down, we can easily bring a new pod using the already downloaded image from the node.

The above session had 2 components a 20-minute theory and a 20-minute demo. All the commands related to the demo session are mentioned below. (Basically, these commands were taken from Kaito documentation and slightly modified according to my environment)


  • Azure subscription
  • Azure CLI
  • Azure Developer CLI
  • kubectl
  • Helm
  • Azure vCPU quota (for Kaito you are required to have 12 vCPUs in Standard NCSv3 family)

You may check the vCPU quota by,

az vm list-usage \
  --location ${AZURE_LOCATION} \
  --query "[? contains(localName, 'Standard NCSv3')]" \
  -o table

Step 1: Azure Managed Identity for Kaito provisioner

# set up the variables
export LOCATION="eastus"                                                      
export RESOURCE_GROUP="rg1"
export MY_CLUSTER="kaitoCluster"
# create resource group 
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION
# create aks cluster (make sure to enable oidc-issuer while creating, if the cluster is already created you can enable this later as well)
az aks create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $MY_CLUSTER --node-count 2 --enable-oidc-issuer --enable-workload-identity --enable-managed-identity --generate-ssh-keys --network-plugin azure
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $MY_CLUSTER
# create a new managed identity that the Kaito operator will use
export IDENTITY_NAME="kaitoprovisioner"
az identity create --name $IDENTITY_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP
# assign the managed identity the necessary permissions to provision GPU nodes for use within your AKS cluster. You need to assign contributor or higher role
export AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_ID=$(az aks show --name $MY_CLUSTER --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query id -o tsv)
az role assignment create --assignee $KAITO_IDENTITY_PRINCIPAL_ID  --scope $AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER_ID  --role Contributor
# create a federated identity credential so that the Kaito provisioner managed identity can authenticate against Microsoft Entra ID from within the AKS cluster.
export SUBSCRIPTION=$(az account show --query id -o tsv)
export AKS_OIDC_ISSUER=$(az aks show -n $MY_CLUSTER -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION --query "oidcIssuerProfile.issuerUrl" -o tsv)
az identity federated-credential create --name kaito-federatedcredential --identity-name $IDENTITY_NAME -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --issuer $AKS_OIDC_ISSUER --subject system:serviceaccount:"gpu-provisioner:gpu-provisioner" --audience api://AzureADTokenExchange --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION

Step 2: Installing the Kaito Operator

# add the helm repo
helm repo add kaito https://azure.github.io/kaito/charts/kaito
# install Kaito GPU provisioner controller
export NODE_RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az aks show -n $MY_CLUSTER -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --query nodeResourceGroup -o tsv)
export TENANT_ID=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)
cat << EOF > gpu-provisioner-values.yaml
    value: $SUBSCRIPTION
  - name: LOCATION
    value: $LOCATION
    value: $MY_CLUSTER
    value: $RESOURCE_GROUP
  - name: LEADER_ELECT
    value: "false"
  tenantId: $TENANT_ID
    clusterName: $MY_CLUSTER
helm install gpu-provisioner kaito/gpu-provisioner -f gpu-provisioner-values.yaml
# install Kaito workspace controller
helm install workspace kaito/workspace
# check the workspace CR
kubectl api-resources | grep kaito
kubectl explain workspace

Step 3: Create a Kaito preset workspace

# here we are using falcon-7b-instruct model preset available in Kaito
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: kaito.sh/v1alpha1
kind: Workspace
  name: workspace-falcon-7b-instruct
    kaito.sh/enablelb: "False"
  count: 1
  instanceType: "Standard_NC12s_v3"
      apps: falcon-7b-instruct
    name: "falcon-7b-instruct"
kubectl describe workspace workspace-falcon-7b-instruct
# it will approximately take 15-20minutes to create workspace, it takes time to provision GPUs
kubectl get workspace workspace-falcon-7b-instruct -w

Step 4: Test the falcon-7b-instruct workspace inference endpoint

#earliyer when we are creating workspace CR we set the loadbalencer annotation to false so here we are using clusterip service to connect cluster hosted falcon-7b-instruct model for inferencing.
kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never curl --image=curlimages/curl -- curl -X POST http://workspace-falcon-7b-instruct/chat -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"prompt\":\"What is Kaito?\"}"

That’s the end of the demo, thanks for showing up at the cloud-native Sri Lanka event and I hope to do more interesting sessions in future meetups.

Event Photographs:

kaito kaito kaito kaito